Title: Even Knights Need Some Form of Saving
Fandom: Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Character/Pairing: Ashe/Yuri
Rating/warning: G, Golden Wildfire spoilers

Unlike some people, Ashe isn't a stubborn ass who insists on burning the candle at both ends until he either needs to be dragged from his desk to his bed, or faints into his soup in front of a full dinner table.

(He adores Constance, he really does, but Hapi has her work cut out for her and he doesn't envy her one bit.)

But that doesn't mean Ashe doesn't overdo it now and then. Even if he's not passing out, he looks exhausted after a day of feeding the horses, running errands, cooking, doing the dishes, and now organizing the gear.

"Y'know, we're not in any big hurry to get that sorted out," he says. "Shez even said it might take more than a day, there's a lot of new stuff we picked up in battle." Ashe nods, checking the string on a new silver bow to make sure it's tight enough.

"I know. Just...give me another few minutes?" He stifles a yawn, and Yuri frowns. Even if he's not being stubborn, he still doesn't seem to think sleep is important.

"It's late, Ashe. The sun's already set, everyone else is already in bed." Ashe pauses in his check, looking up a little. He doesn't have the telltale bags under his eyes but his lids are lower, and he doesn't look like his heart's in his work. He knows Ashe, knows the telltale signs of his feelings even after they've only just reunited after years of separation.

"If I can do just a little bit more, it'll make things easier for the others." He pauses, setting the bow down. "But...I would like to sleep."

Yuri kneels beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"You're worried about earning your keep around here, aren't you." Ashe nods, leaning against him. Yuri pulls him close, stroking his messy silver hair. "No one cares that you were with the enemy. That's how they got me, how they scooped up a third of the Black Eagles."

"But Adrestia and Leicester ended up working together anyway," Ashe says. "I'm here because Dimitri ordered me to keep my life even if it meant surrendering to the enemy. I obeyed his orders, but I'm not exactly happy to be here..." He sighs. "Dimitri, Dedue, Ingrid, everyone in Faerghus was a friend. A real friend, even before I became a proper knight and even if I were still just in training. I went to school with them, bonded over tales of chivalry with Ingrid, helped Dedue in the kitchen, sparred with Sylvain, Annette helped me with my math homework. And...I don't know if I can bring myself to fight them. What does that make me?"

It's more than earning his keep, then. Yuri wants to tell him this is war, there's no going back, now's not the time to be sentimental and mopey about the enemy. But when he saw the Ashen Wolves fighting alongside Claude that day, he'd felt a sting of pain and prayed he wouldn't have to hurt one of them. They didn't even know his real name or half of what he'd been through in the past, but they were still his friends. His family, whom he'd missed when he'd ended up separated from them thanks to the war.

"Then don't fight them. It's okay to be a coward, you didn't come here to support the Federation. You're here for your own safety," he says. Ashe draws closer, his back and shoulders vibrating with a shaky, deep breath.

"But now that I'm here, I want to do the right thing. I just wish I knew what it was," he murmurs. "I didn't just surrender because Dimitri told me to...I was afraid to die."

"Good." Yuri squeezes him. "I don't know what I'd have done if you had." For all he teases Ashe and gripes about his moral compass acting up, Ashe means more to him than he's comfortable admitting even to himself. "Look, everything's gonna work out how it works out, we can't predict the future and there's no sense in fussing over the past."

"I know." Ashe's voice sounds slurry with sleepiness. "I...I really would like to go to bed." Yuri helps him up, draping one of his arms over his shoulder.

"This okay, or would you prefer I carried you?" Even in the dark he can see Ashe's cheeks go pink.


Soon they're safely in their tent, changed for bed, and Ashe snuggled in Yuri's arms under the covers. They rarely use both their bedrolls anymore, one always ends up nestled in with the other.

Yuri likes it that way. Ashe slowly nods off against his chest, and Yuri waits until he's sure he's fast asleep before brushing his lips against his forehead.
