Title: whoever you are (wherever you're from)
Fandom: Fire Emblem Heroes
Pairing: Edelgard/Monica Rating: PG-13
Prompt: 11 - future
Warnings: Mentioned character death

She arrives in Askr shortly after the capture of Arianrhod, and the Summoner proceeds to explain it as quickly as they can. So she's not surprised to see the other versions of her, even the monstrous one by Hubert's side or the one in a swimsuit with a woman she's never seen before.

She is, however, shocked to see a familiar face among the crowd. Her face, not the sideways-tilted gaze of a monster wearing her skin. She's taller, dressed differently, she's cut her hair, but there's no mistaking those bright eyes and that beautiful smile.

Monica turns to her, looking lost for a moment.

"You...are Lady Edelgard. But I've never seen that outfit before, or that crown. And...since when do they call you the Flame Emperor?" But before they can talk, the summoner sends them to battle. Every time Edelgard takes out Amyr, Monica stares at it in a mix of fascination and horror.

It's late when they can finally be alone. When Edelgard finds Monica again, she's barely able to meet her gaze.

"I'm sorry for asking such rude questions before. I didn't mean to criticize your clothing," she mumbles. "I was thrown off. I'm so used to you...I mean, your expression, your crown, the way you carry yourself is so severe. You're always serious, but..."

"In the world I come from, you've been dead for five years." It's best to just rip the bandage off. Monica's eyes widen.

"So in your world..."

"They took you, and I didn't find out the truth until it was too late," Edelgard murmurs. "Someone else approached me wearing your face. She called me a name you never had in your entire life, she never looked me in the eye. But even if not for any of that...Monica, I knew from the moment she approached me it wasn't you."

Monica looks down, her hands folded in her lap.

"In my world, you saved me. You had Professor Jeritza storm the base I was trapped in, and then we took the Empire back from Lord Arundel...or rather, Thales." She raises her eyes. "That axe you carry..."

"In my world, I..." She swallows. "I kept up my charade of being their ally. I knew Labraunda existed, but they told me it was lost to the ages. I knew better, of course, but I pretended to believe them," she explains. "They made Amyr especially for me, using their materials."

"Oh, Lady Edelgard..." Monica's voice shakes, her eyes quiver, and she grips the fabric of her skirt tightly. "I'm so sorry. If I'd been there-"

"It's not your fault. In my world...things just didn't line up in the right way for me to be able to save you." She sighs. "Tell me about this other version of Fodlan...about the other me. If she was able to cut her ties with them sooner, then..."

"She's less severe. Still intimidating at times, but...she smiles more. She's able to be more open with her allies," Monica says. "But she carries herself no less regally than any other version of you, and she's still the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."

"She sounds like a better person than I am." She's never admitted even to Hubert or the professor that she feels this way, always trying to tell herself that her goals justify her choices. But knowing there's an Edelgard out there who made better ones makes her wonder if there was still a better way.

"No." Monica smiles. "You're fighting to create a better future for Fodlan, just like her."

"Even when I admitted to allying myself with monsters? Monica, there's more." Monica shakes her head.

"I already know about the Flame Emperor, and I don't care. I've seen a version of you willing to turn into a monster for her goals. But I don't care. To me, Lady Edelgard is Lady Edelgard. If I'd lived, I'd have proudly stood beside you no matter what actions you took or choices you made. The future you're trying to bring is worth it."

Just like her Monica would have said had she lived. Edelgard closes her eyes, blinking back tears, and smiles.

"The other me is very lucky to have you by her side. I hope she knows that."

"I'm the lucky one." Monica reaches for her hand. "I know you're not my Lady Edelgard, but...is it okay if I stay by your side?" Edelgard squeezes her hand, wrapping her other arm around Monica and pulling her close.

"I would be honored. Let's cut a path to our own future, here in Askr."
